Government without newspapers or newspapers without Government: Constituent Assembly Debates

Government without newspapers or newspapers without Government: Constituent Assembly Debates

Friday, the 25th November, 1949

Shri Deshbandhu Gupta
There is yet another point to which I would like to draw the attention of the House, under the chapter of Fundamental Rights, there is no article regarding the Freedom of Press. We have drawn much in this Constitution from different constitutions of the world. We have copied many things from the Constitution of Ireland, America and other countries. But we have not derived any benefit from them regarding Press which is called Fourth State. In our Constitution there is no mention of it. Mr. Jefferson, a great American Constitutionalist said : "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have Government without newspapers or newspapers without Government I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive these papers and be capable of reading them".

 After the American Constitution was framed the article regarding the Freedom of Press was inserted in the Constitution as an amendment. I want that there should be a mention of the Freedom of Press in our Constitution also in specific terms. I am sure that time will come when the Members of our Parliament will also consider this issue and will not hesitate in inserting an amendment regarding this and our Press will also acquire the status which it deserves in our Constitution. With these words I thank you once again and pray that may this Constitution be
crowned with success.


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