
Showing posts from October, 2022

Hindi- National Language for qualification of Supreme court Judge- Proposal of Constituent Assembly by Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad

  Friday, the 31st December 1948.  Constituent Assembly Debates  Hindi for -qualification of Supreme court Judge   Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad-" It could perhaps be safely assumed that, with the spread of compulsory primary education, lawyers would be literate, and if one is not literate, he cannot be a lawyer. To be a lawyer and also an Advocate, one has to pass certain tests in literacy and commonsense. So that if one is not literate he could not be an Advocate and so he could not be appointed a Judge of a High Court and he could not also be appointed Judge of the Supreme Court.   Then with regard to expressing themselves in the national language, I think if and when English is to be discarded, Advocates and Judges must necessarily possess the minimum literacy qualifications which are required of them and they ought to be able to express themselves in the national language. With in a foreseeable period of time, an Advocate, a Judge of the High Court or of the Sup...

Selected parts from Constituent Assembly Debates on Education during the making of the Constitution of India

  Selected parts from Constituent Assembly Debates on Education during the making of the Constitution of India   Monday, the 6th December 1948   Shri Sarangdhar Das "I must say here, that with the spread of western education in our schools and colleges we had loss contact with the villages, and it was our leader, Mahatma Gandhi,who advised the intelligentsia to go back to the villages, and that was some thirty years ago. For the last thirty years we have been going into the villages and making ourselves one with the villagers; and in reply to Dr. Ambedkar's accusation, I would say that there is no localism in the villages. There is ignorance,--yes, ignorance of the English language and also our various written languages, and that situation is due to the kind of Government we had, a Government that destroyed our educational system. As far as knowledge of nature and wisdom gathered from Shastras and Puranas are concerned. I wo...

‘‘संविधान जानो’’

  ‘‘ संविधान जानो ’’ अभियान को व्यापक और असरदार बनाने के लिए ये आवश्यक है कि संविधान को न केवल विधि से जोड़कर देखा जाए बल्कि इससे भावनात्मक रूप से भी जुड़े। भावनात्मक रूप से जुड़ने के लिए संविधान से सम्बन्धित रोचक तथ्य जैसे कि अंग्रेजी भाषा में सुलेखन का कार्य प्रेम बिहारी नारायण रायजादा द्वारा किया गया एवं हिन्दी भाषा में बसन्त कृष्ण वैद्य द्वारा सुलेखन का कार्य किया गया , सभी को मालूम होने चाहिए। साथ ही संविधान को खूबसूरत एवं आकर्षक बनाने के लिए सभी पृष्ठों पर चौखट ( फ्रेम ) का कार्य आचार्य नन्दलाल बोस द्वारा किया गया एवं संविधान के 22 भागों को भारतीय सभ्यता से सम्बन्धित महत्वपूर्ण एवं सारगर्भित विषयों का चित्रण स्वयं नन्द लाल बोस द्वारा किया गया। इन चित्रों जैसे : वैदिककाल , रामायण , महाभारत , अशोक , भागीरथ , अकबर , छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज , गुरूगोविन्दसिंह , महात्मा गांधी , नेताजी सुभाषचन्द्र बोस आदि के माध्यम से आज के भारत को न केवल संविधान सभा ...