Constituent Assembly Debates should be taught in Universities
Surya Pratap Singh Adv Constituent Assembly Debates should be taught in Universities "The earliest formula of Wisdom promises to be its last, -God, Light, Freedom, Immortality." These are the words of Sri Aurobindo from Life Divine .State has been expected to be instrumental in seeking theses ideals .This is the birds view of study of human civilization on mother earth. Evolution of Human Race in Modern Times can be traced from three words Liberty, Equality & Fraternity. The gift to the word by French Revolution. Equality manifested in terms of Socialism, Liberty expressed in Capitalism. But fraternity is yet to all the light of the day in view of Sri Aurobindo. Human rights are bunch of rights, responsibility and duty towards fellow being irrespective of race, colour, sex, nationality, religion etc. Impact of French revolution can be seen in the form of fundamental rights guaranteed, protected and upheld by legal provisions in the form of const...